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Account Registration

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Entry Registration

Entry registration is closed.



This competition is AMMA sanctioned and open to any Professional Mazer age 21 or older.

All mailed entries must be received at the mailing location by the shipping deadline - please allow for shipping time.

All entries will be picked up from drop-off locations the day of the drop-off deadline.

The competition organizers are not responsible for mis-categorized entries, mailed entries that are not received by the entry deadline, or entries that arrived damaged.

The competition organizers reserve the right to combine styles for judging and to restructure awards as needed depending upon the quantity and quality of entries.

Qualified judging of all entries is the primary goal of our event. Judges will evaluate and score each entry. The average of the scores will rank each entry in its category. Each flight will have at least one BJCP judge.

Mazers are not limited to one entry in each category but may only enter each subcategory once.

The competition committee reserves the right to combine overall style categories based on number of entries. All possible effort will be made to combine similar styles. All meads in combined categories will be judged according to the style they were originally entered in.

The Best of Show judging will be determined by a Best of Show panel based on a second judging of the top winners.

Bottles will not be returned to entrants.

This competition will have 13 medalling tables with 41 sub-categories as described below.


M1. Traditional Mead:

M1A – Traditional – Dry
M1B – Traditional – Semi-Sweet
M1C – Traditional – Sweet


M5. Varietal Mead:

M5A – Varietal – Dry
M5B – Varietal – Semi-Sweet
M5C – Varietal – Sweet


M6. Session Mead (Hydromel):

M6A – Session (Hydromel) - Dry
M6B – Session (Hydromel)– Semi-Sweet
M6C – Session (Hydromel)– Sweet


M7. Dessert Mead:

M7A – Dessert Mead – Semi-Sweet
M7B – Dessert Mead – Sweet


M8. Cyser:

M8A – Dry Cyser
M8B – Semi-sweet Cyser
M8C - Sweet Cyser


M9. Pyment:

M9A – White Pyment
M9B - Rose Pyment
M9C – Red Pyment


M10. Berry Melomel:

M10A – Berry Melomel – Dry
M10B – Berry Melomel – Semi-Sweet
M10C – Berry Melomel – Sweet


M11. Other Fruit and Mixed Fruit Blend Melomel:

M11A – Other Fruit and Mixed Fruit Blend Melomel – Dry
M11B – Other Fruit and Mixed Fruit Blend Melomel – Semi Sweet
M11C – Other Fruit and Mixed Fruit Blend Melomel – Sweet


M12. Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Mead:

M12A – Metheglin – Dry
M12B – Metheglin – Semi Sweet
M12C – Metheglin – Sweet
M12D - Vegetable Mead - Dry
M12E - Vegetable Mead - Semi Sweet
M12F - Vegetable Mead - Sweet


M13. Bracket or Braggot:

M13A – Bracket/Braggot


M14. Specialty Mead:

M14A – Fruit and Spiced Mead
M14B - Vegetable and Spiced Mead
M14C – Acerglyn
M14D – Bochet
M14E - Bochetomel
M14F - Capsicumel
M14G – Mead with other Fermentables
M14H – Historical Mead


M15. Wood Aged Mead:

M15A – Wood Aged Mead
M15B – Specialty Wood Aged Mead


M16. Experimental Mead (open):

M16A – Experimental Mead

Every first place winner from every category will receive a custom goblet with the Texas Mead Cup and Operation Fermentation IX logo embossed and the description of the mead category.



BJCP 2015 Judging Styles

If a style's name is hyperlinked, it has specific entry requirements. Select or tap on the name to view the subcategory's requirements.

35A M5A - Varietal Mead (Dry) (Custom Style) 36A M5B - Varietal Mead (Semi-Sweet) (Custom Style) 37A M5C - Varietal Mead (Sweet) (Custom Style)
38A M6A- Session Mead - Dry (Custom Style) 39A M6B - Session Mead - Semi-Sweet (Custom Style) 40A M6C- Session Mead - Sweet (Custom Style)
41A M7A - Dessert Mead - Semi- Sweet (Custom Style) 42A M7B - Dessert Mead - Sweet (Custom Style) 43A M8A - Dry Cyser (Custom Style)
44A M8B - Semi-sweet Cyser (Custom Style) 45A M8C - Sweet Cyser (Custom Style) 46A M9A - White Pyment (Custom Style)
47A M9B - Rose Pyment (Custom Style) 48A M9C - Red Pyment (Custom Style) 49A M10A - Berry Melomel - Dry (Custom Style)
50A M10B - Berry Melomel - Semi Sweet (Custom Style) 51A M10C - Berry Melomel - Sweet (Custom Style) 52A M11A - Other Fruit and Mixed Fruit Blend Melomel - Dry (Custom Style)
53A M11B - Other Fruit and Mixed Fruit Blend Melomel - Semi-sweet (Custom Style) 54A M11C - Other Fruit and Mixed Fruit Blend Melomel - Sweet (Custom Style) 55A M12A - Metheglin - Dry (Custom Style)
56A M12B - Metheglin - Semi-sweet (Custom Style) 57A M12C - Metheglin - Sweet (Custom Style) 58A M12D - Vegetable Mead - Dry (Custom Style)
59A M12E - Vegetable Mead - Semi-sweet (Custom Style) 60A M12F - Vegetable Mead - Sweet (Custom Style) 61A M13A -. Bracket/Braggot (Custom Style)
62A M14A - Fruit and Spiced Mead (Custom Style) 63A M14B - Vegetable and Spiced Mead (Custom Style) 64A M14C - Acerglyn (Custom Style)
65A M14D - Bochet (Custom Style) 66A M14E -Bochetomel (Custom Style) 67A M14F - Capsicumel (Custom Style)
68A M14G - Mead with other fermentables (Custom Style) 69A M14H - Historical Mead (Custom Style) 70A M15A - Wood Aged Mead (Custom Style)
71A M15B - Specialty Wood Aged Mead (Custom Style) 72A M16A - Experimental (Custom Style) M1A Dry Mead
M1B Semi-Sweet Mead M1C Sweet Mead  


Number of Bottles Required Per Entry: 3

Judging Sessions and Dates

Commercial Mead Cup Judging
Saturday, February 11, 2023 12:00 AM, CST


Best of Show

The 1st place entry in each category will advance to the Best of Show (BOS) round with a single, overall Best of Show mead selected.



The awards ceremony will take place at the Texas Mead Fest once judging is completed.

Purchase tickets to the Texas Meadfest

Places will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each category/table.

Additional prizes may be awarded to those winners present at the awards ceremony at the discretion of the competition organizers.

Both score sheets and awards will be available for pick up that night after the ceremony concludes. Awards and score sheets not picked up will be mailed back to participants. Results will be posted to the competition web site after the ceremony concludes.


Awards Ceremony

Texas Mead Fest
Saturday, February 25, 2023 5:00 PM, CST


Circuit Qualification
